In this episode of For Your Consideration, we are sharing a public lecture delivered by Dr. Esther Meek on Thursday, November 2, 2023.
In her lecture, Dr. Meek addresses vital questions about beauty, thinking, knowledge, and our relationship to the world. Our modern age has us presuming that reality is material or reducible to it; inert and indifferent, ours to manipulate to the end of power. We have lost a sense of the real or of our connection to it; we distrust it, fear it, even question that it is there.
As our experience of reality—of God's creation, which discloses His presence—is increasingly veiled by layers of technological mediation and our own habitual inattentiveness, Dr. Meek offers an urgent call to attend to the world again with care and hope.
Esther Lightcap Meek (BA Cedarville College, MA Western Kentucky University, PhD Temple University) is Professor of Philosophy emeritus at Geneva College, in Western Pennsylvania. She is a Fellow Scholar with the Fujimura Institute, an Associate Fellow with the Kirby Laing Center for Public Theology, and a member of the Polanyi Society. She offers courses for Theopolis Institute, The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, and Regent College. Dr. Meek is the author, most recently, of Doorway to Artistry: Attuning Your Philosophy to Enhance Your Creativity.