For Your Consideration
For Your Consideration
Director's Class: Displaced, Week Three

Director's Class: Displaced, Week Three

In this installment, you can listen to the third session of Michael Sacasas’s Director’s Class, “Displaced: Exploring the Moral and Theological Dimensions of Place.”

In this session, the class briefly reconsiders the early chapters of Genesis through the lens of place, continues to reflect on place and identity, and reflects on the following lines from the early 20th century English writer, Hilaire Belloc:

“Look you, good people all, in your little passage through the daylight, get to see as many hills and buildings and rivers, fields, books, men, horses, ships, and precious stones as you can possibly manage to do. Or else stay in one village and marry in it and die there. For one of these two fates is the best fate for every man. Either to be what I have been, a wanderer with all the bitterness of it, or to stay home and hear in one’s garden the voice of God.”

For Your Consideration
For Your Consideration
Listen to audio version of study center essays as well as lectures and talks.